1.3" monochrome graphics OLED display, 128x64 pixels.
Logical layout 5 button keypad.
Stylish case
89 x 64 x 30mm
Rear 50mm keyhole mount
Cabling exits rear of case
Battery backed real time clock.
12 or 24 hour presentation modes
Detailed run info.
Basic run info.
Weekly timer overview
Timer setting
Clock Setting
GPIO control
Heater Settings (password)
Fuel mixture
Fixed heater settings
Temp. probe offset
Low Volt cutout
Fuel pump cal.
User settings
Thermostat modes
GPIO settings
Home Menu actions
Timeout intervals
System Settings
Version Information
Wifi Settings
MQTT status
Bluetooth settings
Hour meters
Glow plug
Total running time
Detailed running information of the heater:
Burn chamber temperature
Fan speed & voltage
Pump rate
Battery voltage (corrected)
Glow plug power
Degrees Celcius or Farenheit reporting
Fixed pump rate (heat demand)
Thermostat control
Variable hysteresis
Linear pump speed
External thermostat
via GPIO
Stop/Start mode
Frost Mode: always start heater if temperature drops too low.
Heater start stop
via GPIO inputs
Bluetooth SPP
Android application
Bluetooth BLE
Inbuilt Access Point
WiFi network access
MQTT via Wifi
Web Server
Heater Control
Interactive websockets
Control and monitor
your Afterburner via
a broker across the
JSON encapsulated data via Bluetooth, websocket or MQTT
Fimware update via web browser, or semi-automatically from this web server
433MHZ keyfob support (fixed code)
14 individual programmable timers:
Start/stop times,
Chosen days,
Repeat or One-shot
Period, start, stop or temperature profile functions.
GPIO actions can be programmed.
Battery backed real time clock module ensures the clock runs when the heater unpowered.
Hour meters:
Glow plug use time
Heater run time
System uptime.
Remotely wired temperature sensing based upon DS18B20 sensor; controller can be placed where practical, sensor where optimum.
Degrees Celcius or Farenheit readout
Advanced thermostat controls:
Adjustable hyteresis
Linear pump rate
Overtemp stop/ restart (Cyclic mode)
Temperature probe offset to better match the real world.
Low voltage cutout at sensible, battery protecting, levels.
Estimated fuel consumed and optional shutdown before fuel tank is drained to avoid repriming pump.
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